Payment Terms
The following will guide you to see what will work best for you or your company:
e-Payables (Payment Plus) works great for suppliers who currently accept credit card payments. Payment Plus is Caltech's preferred method for issuing payments to suppliers with purchase orders.
Caltech offers net 15 terms to our customers via a credit card payment also known as a "ghost card". The payment instructions are issued through an e-mail on behalf of US Bank/Payment Plus. These instructions will have you do a two-step verification to collect a full credit card number, expiration date, cvv, etc. Your organization must be able to charge a credit card number through a merchant machine or a POS system. We do precise pay which indicates you may only charge what was invoiced, no additional fees.
If interested in enrolling contact our team at
If speed of pay is not a concern, then you may manually submit your invoices (via Digital mail) and accept check or ACH as a form of payment.